Sunday, January 11, 2009


Yesterday, my aunt and my uncle (we still call him kor kor cause no clarification has been made about how to address him) had an open house at their new house. The food was ok, but I got hungry on the way home, so I bought 2 burgers(my father wanted 1).
"Daging cheese dua". =)

Anyways, while we were at my aunt's house, my cousin, my brother and I brought our laptops to play Left4Dead. XD

It was the first time my cousin 'actually' played this game. I say actually cause he just tried it out a bit before this. Playing this game with company is really nice, but it may have been a bit too much when all of a sudden there were like 10 people watching us play. Some relatives were watching us, that was ok, but some unknown people were there as well...kinda weird, especially the boy standing next to me. His hands kept holding my mouse wire....

All in all, it was fun.

Can play L4D online!! No need my cousin to come all the way here, or us there...=P

Tomorrow have to wear formal, and stay back until about 3-ish, cause Dr Mahathir is coming to Taylor's to talk about "Global Peace" (I think).

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