Monday, January 31, 2011

The Big Fish Fight!

That's right folks!!

Stop just eating cod, and salmon, and tuna. We need to give them a break!!
Eat the other fishes!
*This really isn't a problem in Malaysia..XD

AND! We need to stop discards from happening. Throwing dead fish back into the sea because of some EU regulation won't help us or the environment at all. =)

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, is doing as much as he can to raise awareness on what is going on out and sea, because of the people in a nice air-conditioned room.

And Channel 4's Big Fish Fight is damn awesome..Hugh raises awareness, Jamie gives new ideas for other seafood, and Gordon swims with sharks...err..geee..thanks Gordon..XD

Ikram, Elisa, Shermaine and Nicol got hooked onto the programme..=D

And the picture above is our attempt at Hugh's recipe of a mackerel bap. =D
Bloody awesome with horseradish sauce. =D

OKies..gtg sleep now.

Ciao ppl!

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