Tuesday, December 14, 2010


"All right, see you then.


HAHAHA!! Now you must be wondering what on earth that is.

It's Simone's email reply to me. XD

Usually it's "Regards, Simone"
This time I just got "S"

Funny. =P

Met Simone to ask some questions about the BPTC. And then we were talking about UoR opening in Malaysia. She's on the committee that is looking into this project.

Anyway, yeah..so back to BPTC application, haihs..stupid thing, got 1 section where I have to write like essays for the answer. ESSAYS! ESSAY[S]!!!!!


Word limit..2000 words. My Revenue NA is 1200 words weh...this is gonna take sometime...=S

Was doing my laundry the other day, and while waiting..I brought down my Gino book to read.
It is DAMN NICE!!! =D

Rule 1: If you're not in a good mood, don't attempt to cook. Get a takeaway..because your mood will show in the food.

Rule 2: Cook alone. Cooking should be a personal experience.

Rule 3: Don't try to make a healthier version of a recipe, get your arse down the gym. XD (my favourite)

Rule 4: Never cook onions and garlic together. (I still have yet to understand this one)

Rule 5: Put all your energy and concentration into the flavour of a dish and less on what it looks like.

Rule 6: Spend less time on cooking a dish, and more on buying the right ingredients.

He mentioned other stuff in the book which was really fascinating to know..like..never serve bread (panne) with olive oil, cause no one does that in Italy....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

*thats another reason why i wanna travel Italy, not the touristy places, but the back alleys, and trattorias, to learn the real deal. ;)

Tutto bene!


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